

52 weeks
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5 students


  • Programming Fundamentals, Operating System
  • Types of application Programs, ALGORITHM, Flow ChartsTypes of application Programs, ALGORITHM, Flow Chart


  • What is Procedural Programming?
  • What is Object Oriented Programming?
  • Advantages of OOPS over Procedural Programming.
  • What are Package or Namespaces
  • Member variable(Object Level (instance) variable), Static
  • Variable (class level variable)
  • Local variable, Four Pillars of object oriented programming with Example
  • Friend Function, Variables / types of variables
  • Input / output streams and validation of data, Operators – arithmetic, assignment, logical, bitwise
  • Conditions like if / else / switch, Arrays / multi-dimensional array
  • Loops – for / while / do-while
  • Functions, overloading functions, passing variables to functions etc.
  • Structures, References, Pointers,Dynamic allocation of memory
  • Creating project in IDE, Classes, Object oriented programming
  • Class and function templates, Exceptions


  • Introduction to CSS3
  • Overview of HTML and CSS, Creating and Styling HTML Pages
  • HTML Hidden Fields – Password,Reset,Submit,Checkboxes
  • More HTML Controls Radio,Select,Hidden
  • Fields,Upload,Textarea
  • Special Tags (Body,Meta,Style,Div,Layouts,Frames)
  • Formatting Tags (Bold,Paragraphs,Headings etc.)
  • CSS Styling (Styling Backgrounds,Text,Fonts,Links,Lists,Tables)
  • Introduction to JavaScript, Decision making statment If,If..else,Switch
  • While,Do/while , For Loop, Creating Forms to Collect and
  • Validate User Input
  • Communicating with a Remote Server
  • Creating Objects and Methods by Using JavaScript
  • Creating Interactive Page by Using HTML 5 APls
  • Adding Offline Support to Web Applications
  • Implementing an Adaptive User Interface
  • Creating Advanced Graphics, Animating the User Interface
  • Implementing Real –time Communication by Using
  • Web Sockets, Styling HTML 5 by using CSS3
  • Performing Background Processing by Using web Workers
  • HTML sementic Elements <article>,<aside>,<figcaption>,<figure>,<footer>
  • More controls <header>,,<nav><progress>,<section>,<summary>,<time>
  • HTML5 Form Attributes (autocomplete,autofocus,form,formaction,formenctype)
  • More attributes (formmethod,formnovalidate,
  • formtarget,height and width,list,min and max


  • Introduction to XML, DTD and XML Schema
  • Using CSS with XML, Using XSLT in XML
  • Using XPATH in XML, Using XML DOM


  • History of Java,Features of Java, Data Types and Operations
  • Variables, Control Statements and Loops, Arrays
  • Introduction to OOPS, Understanding need of classes and objects
  • Identifying features of objects
  • Classes, objects, constructors and methods, Use of the “this” keyword.
  • String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes
  • Encapsulation and access specifiers, Inheritance,
  • Polymorphism,Abstract class and Interface
  • Exception Handling, Inner classes, Static inner classes
  • Method local inner classes, Anonymous inner classes
  • Understanding collection framework, Collection classes and collection interfaces
  • List, Set, Vector, Map, Stack, Queue, Applications of Stacks and Queues
  • Generics, User defined Generic classes, File input and output, New Input Output (NIO)
  • File Visitor, try with resources, Multithreading
  • Thread class and Runnable interface, Thread Synchronization
  • Executor Service, Database connectivity, Understanding JDBC
  • Components of JDBC, Understanding prepared and callable statements
  • Transaction Management, Java Persistance API, Introduction & Understanding AWT and Swing
  • Difference between AWT and Swing, Understanding various aspects of UI
  • Different controls, Layout Managers, Event handling with swing


  • Web Component Development with Servlets and JSP, Java EE 6
  • Introduction to Java Servlets & Server Pages
  • Implementing an MVC Design, The servlet’s environment
  • Container facilities for servlets and JSPs, More view facilities
  • Developing JSP pages, Developing JSP pages using custom tags
  • More controller facilities, More options for the Model
  • Interceptors, Java Beans , Expression Language (EL)
  • Serializing java bean classes using Serializable interface
  • EL functions, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
  • Asynchronous web application, Web application security


  • Introduction to RDBMS & to MYSQL
  • Installing MySQL,Using MySQL Admin
  • Showing and using databases,displaying databases and tables
  • MySQL functions, Creating files in CSV format
  • Creating backups, Using Stored Procedures, MySQL injectio


  • Introduction
  • Build your first app, App fundamental, App source, App menifest, App permission, Device
  • Device compatibility, Wear, Android TV, Android for
  • Cars,Android Things,Core topics
  • Activities, Architecture Component, Navigation component,
  • Intenent and intent filters
  • User interface, Animation and Transitions, Images and graphics, Audio and video
  • Background task, App and data files, user data and identity, user location
  • Touch & inputs,CameraX,Camera,Sensors, Google play, Best practices
  • Connectivity,Renderscript,Web-based content, App Bundle


  • Designing user interfaces using JSF,Working with managed beans
  • Using different JSF controls, JSF Render Kits (HTML, WML, SVG)
  • Life Cycle of a JSF Page
  • JSF Tag Libraries (JSF HTML tag library, JSF core tag library)
  • View Declaration Language (VDL),Rendering JSF pages using JSP VDL and Facelet VDL
  • JSF managed bean scopes (None,View, Request, Session, Application)
  • Configuring managed means using the faces-config.xml file
  • Using annotations to map properties to UI components in a JSF page
  • Value expressions and Method expressions
  • Converting and Validating user input using converters and validators
  • Creating custom converters and validators
  • Navigating between JSF pages using static and dynamic navigation
  • Implicit navigation and Rule-based navigation, Implementing global navigation rule
  • Implementing conditional navigation, JSF Event Model, Application Events
  • Life Cycle Events, Event Classes and Event Listeners
  • Action Event, Value change Event, Phase events
  • Defining an event handler and associating it with the appropriate listener
  • Working with styles, inline, embedded and external stylesheets
  • Working with templates,Composite components, Composite Tag Library
  • Implementing AJAX in JSF


  • Introduction to Hibernate
  • Understanding Hibernate environment
  • Features and advantages of Hibernate
  • Concept of Object Relational Mapping
  • Hibernate Core classes and interfaces
  • Elements of the hibernate configuration file (hibernate.cfg.xml)
  • Elements of the hibernate mapping file (hibernate.hbm.xml)
  • Entity type and value type,Mapping value type objects
  • Mapping collections using Set, List and Bag elements
  • Mapping hierarchical relationships as follows:
    • a. Table Per Concrete Class Mapping
    • b. Table Per Class (Table Per Hierarchy) Mapping
    • c. Table Per Subclass (Joined Subclass) Mapping
  • Mapping Entity Associations as follows:
  • One-to-One Mapping,One-to-Many Mapping, Many-to-Many
  • Mapping
  • Querying data using: Scalar Queries, Entity Queries, Criteria
  • Queries
  • Managing transactions, Managing versions
  • Introduction to Hibernate

Spring MVC - Module View Controller 4.0

  • Intro, Features and advantages of Spring
  • Using the BeanFactory container, Using the
  • ApplicationContext container
  • Setter Injection, Constructor Injection, Referencing other beans
  • Autowiring beans using:
    • a. by Name
    • b. byType
    • c. constructor
    • d. autodetect
  • Spring MVC, Creating a Controller
  • Using Handler Mapping to locate controllers using:
    • a. Bean Name Url Handler Mapping,
    • b. SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
    • c. ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping
  • Resolving Views using:
  • a. InternalResourceViewResolver b. BeanNameViewResolver
  • c. ResourceBundleViewResolver d. XmlViewResolver
  • Working with AOP, Integrating Spring with JSF, Integrating
  • Spring with Hibernate
  • Working with transactions


  • Build a Rich UI desktop and Web application
  • Package with MVC with Api, Python,Javascript,C++ all in onepackage
  • Bind UI controls to data sources & to collections
  • Create new controls in a Desktop and Web application
  • Customize package as per need of software development
  • Visual studio 2019 new features
  • Configure and deploy WPF applications
  • New feature of C sharp 6 and above
  • Automatic unit test cases MSTEST, Live Share oin VS 2019
  • Better Search performance, One-click code cleanup
  • Git collaberation and mange pull reques


  • What is ADO.NET
  • SQLConnection Object, Connection Strings & Web.Config
  • SqlCommand in ADO.NET, SQL Injection Attack
  • SQL Injection Prevention, Strongly typed datasets
  • Calling a Stored Procedure with Output Parameters
  • SqlDataReader in ADO.NET
  • Sql DataReader object’s NextResult() method
  • Sql DataAdapter in ADO.NET
  • Data Set in asp.net, Caching Data Set in asp.net
  • Bulk Insert / Update


  • Introduction to Object Oriented programming C#
  • Reading/writing to a console
  • Datatypes and Data operation,Datatype Casting
  • Arrays,Comments Nullable Types
  • Providing Summary and Code refactoring
  • Decision making statement IF, If..Else, Switch
  • iteration in C# for,foreah,while,do..while
  • Class – Introduction, Static & Instance members
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, Method overriding Vs hiding
  • Method overloading, Interfaces, Explicit interface implementation
  • Abstract Classes Vs Interfaces, Diamond Problem, Multiple inheritance
  • Delegates and its types, Exception Handling ,Why Enums
  • Access Modifiers, Attributes, Reflection, Generics Generic Collections
  • Difference between Convert.ToString() and ToString() method
  • Difference between string and stringbuilder
  • Partial classes and Methods in C#, Indexers in c#
  • Making method parameters optional using method overloading
  • What is dictionary in c#, List collection class in c#
  • Dictionary vs Hashtable, Multithreading in C#
  • Difference between Monitor and lock in C#
  • Performance of a multithreaded program
  • Lambda expression in c#, Async and await in c#
  • Task Parallel library, Task.parallel vs Task.Factory
  • Ado.Net concepts


  • Installing ASP.NET MVC
  • What asp.net mvc version is my mvc application using
  • Creating your first asp.net mvc application
  • Controllers in an mvc application, Views in an mvc application
  • ViewData and ViewBag in mvc, Models in an mvc application
  • Data access in MVC using entity framework
  • Generate hyperlinks using actionlink html helper
  • Working with multiple tables in mvc
  • Using business objects as model in MVC
  • Creating a view to insert data, FormCollection in MVC
  • Mapping asp.net request data to controller action simple parameter types
  • Updatemodel function in MVC
  • Difference between updatemodel and tryupdatemodel
  • Editing a model in mvc, Updating data in MVC
  • Unintended updates in mvc, Preventing unintended updates
  • Including and excluding properties from model binding using bind attribute
  • Including and excluding properties from model binding using interfaces
  • Why deleting database records using get request is bad
  • Deleting database records using post request in mvc
  • Insert update delete in mvc using entity framework
  • Customizing the auto-generated index view
  • Customizing the autogenerated create view
  • Customizing the autogenerated edit view
  • Using data transfer object as the model in mvc
  • How does a controller find a view, Html helpers in MVC
  • Generating a dropdownlist control in mvc using HTML helpers
  • How to set an item selected when dropdownlist is loaded
  • Difference between Html.TextBox and Html.TextBoxFor
  • Generating a radiobuttonlist control in mvc using HTML helpers
  • CheckBoxList in asp.net mvc, ListBox in asp.net mvc
  • Using displayname, displayformat, scaffoldcolumn attributes in mvc
  • Using datatype & displaycolumn attributes
  • Opening a page in new browser window
  • Hiddeninput and readonly attributes in mvc
  • Display and edit templated helpers , Displaying images in asp.
  • net mvc
  • Custom html helpers in mvc, Html encoding in asp.net mvc
  • Detect errors in views at compile time
  • Advantages of using strongly typed views, Partial views
  • Difference between html.partial and html.renderpartial
  • What is cross site scripting attack , Layout view in mvc
  • ViewStart in asp.net mvc, Deleting multiple rows
  • Check uncheck all checkboxes with another single checkbox using jquery
  • Action selectors in mvc
  • What is the use of NonAction attribute in mvc
  • Action filters in mvc
  • Authorize and AllowAnonymous action filters
  • ChildActionOnly attribute in mvc, HandleError attribute
  • OutputCache attribute, RequireHttps attribute
  • ValidateInput attribute, Custom action filters
  • Different types of ActionResult in asp.net mvc
  • Areas, StringLength attribute, Range attribute
  • Creating custom validation attribute
  • RegularExpression attribute, Compare attribute
  • Enable client side validation in asp.net mvc
  • ValidationSummary
  • What is Unobtrusive JavaScript
  • Unobtrusive validation in asp.net mvc
  • Remote validation in mvc when javascript is disabled
  • Ajax with asp.net mvc
  • What is Ajax and why should we use it
  • Implement autocomplete textbox functionality in mvc
  • What is JavaScript minification


  • Introdcution of RDBMS and MSSQL server architecture
  • What is normalization
  • Creating Tables and Enforcing Constraints, Join and its types
  • Parallel processing using outerapply & cross apply
  • Aggregate function in SQL
  • Rank,Denserank,rownumber, partition by, group by clause example
  • View creation and its purpose (updatable Vs Non updatable)
  • Creating stored procedure
  • Creating custom function (scalar / table valued)
  • Function vs Storedprocedure
  • Types of Table in SQL server (Temporary table/ Persistant table)
  • Custom type in SQL, Trigger and its types
  • Indexes in SQL and its advantage and limitation
  • Creating user and managing its right
  • CRUD operation command in SQL from UI and query
  • Creating Database backup, restore, generating DB script
  • Querying Full –Text Data
  • Creating Tables and Enforcing Data Integrity
  • Implementing Transactions, Error Handling and
  • Dynamic SQL
  • Designing and Implementing T-SQL Routines
  • Using Tools to Analyze Query Performance


  • Introduction to WCF
  • Creating a remoting service and a web service
  • Creating a wcf service
  • WCF service implementing multiple service contracts
  • How to make changes to wcf service without breaking clients
  • WCF DataContract and DataMember
  • KnownType attribute in WCF
  • Different ways of associating known types in wcf
  • How to enable tracing and message logging in wcf
  • Message Contract in WCF
  • Difference between datacontract and messagecontract in wcf
  • Backward compatible WCF contract changes
  • ExtensionDataObject in WCF
  • Risks of implementing IExtensibleDataObject interface
  • Exception handling in WCF, SOAP faults in WCF
  • Unhandled exceptions in WCF, Bindings in WCF
  • Configure WCF service endpoint dynamically in code
  • Hosting WCF service
  • Self hosting a wcf service in console application
  • Self hosting a wcf service in winforms application
  • What is a windows service
  • Hosting a wcf service in a windows service
  • Advantages and disadvantages of hosting a wcf service in a windows service
  • Hosting wcf service in IIS
  • Advantages and disadvantages of hosting wcf service in IIS
  • Message Exchange Patterns in WCF
  • OneWay Message Exchange Pattern in WCF
  • Duplex message exchange pattern in WCF
  • Instancing modes in WCF
  • PerCall instance context mode in WCF
  • PerSession instance context mode in WCF
  • PerSession WCF services
  • How to retrieve the sessionid in WCF service and in the client application
  • Single instance context mode in WCF
  • SessionMode Enumeration in WCF
  • Single concurrency mode in WCF
  • Multiple concurrency mode in WCF
  • Reentrant concurrency mode in WCF
  • WCF throttling, WCF security
  • WCF bindings and the impact on message protection
  • Authentication in WCF


  • SOLID Principle, Factory design pattern
  • Single ton desing pattern, Adapter Design pattern
  • Depenency Injection, Prototye Design pattern
  • Strategy desing pattern


  • Basics of communications
  • Importance of effective communications
  • Prepare and deliver effective presentation
  • Interview Preparation
  • How to Prepare for an Interview
  • Resume writing tips
  • Identify common questions asked in an intervie


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